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2024-09-24 18:21:36| The Economic Times

Prince Harry addressed the Clinton Global Initiative, highlighting an 'epidemic' of anxiety and depression among youth due to negative online experiences. He called for corporate accountability and support for parents. The Duke also discussed his Archewell Foundation's efforts to combat online harms and promote child safety, alongside global initiatives against violence towards children.

Category: News and Media



2024-09-24 17:51:26| The Economic Times

MCX revised transaction fees for futures and options contracts, effective October 1, 2024. The new fees are Rs 2.10 per lakh for futures and Rs 41.80 per lakh for options. MCX offers trading in commodity derivatives across bullion, industrial metals, energy, and agricultural commodities.

Category: News and Media


2024-09-24 17:48:21| The Economic Times

Chinese central banker Pan Gongsheng has launched a significant policy campaign to boost the economy, including interest rate cuts and incentives to buy homes. The measures aim to prevent a deflationary spiral and have already positively impacted markets. However, economists believe more reforms are needed for sustained growth.

Category: News and Media


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