Chinese banks are grappling with a surge in mortgage defaults and foreclosures as the country's housing market crashes. The increase in seized properties is burdening the legal system and impacting bank profits. Despite government efforts to stabilize the market, falling property values and unfinished apartments pose significant risks to the financial system.
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It's not just the Harris- US voters this November 5 will cast ballots for members of Congress, tens of thousands of state and local officials, and in multiple referendums on topics including hot-button issues like abortion. - Local elections - Thousands of local offices will also be up for election, including state-level lawmakers, judges, mayors, city council members, county officials, sheriffs and others.
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Sebi directed Embassy Office Parks to suspend CEO Aravind Maiya following an NFRA order that debarred him for ten years over alleged professional misconduct linked to his role as an auditor for Coffee Day Enterprises. NFRA's findings highlight serious lapses in audit standards and due diligence under Maiya's watch.
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