Buyers could ride the wave of new investment pouring into other South and West Side neighborhoods, said Steve Madura, senior vice president of Hilco Real Estate Sales, the company handling the sale.
News and Media
Its income tax time again, and this year its time to make a big change in how you file if youre one of the small minority (less than 10%) who still file a paper return and then trek down to your local post office to send that return by registered mail return receipt requested.
News and Media
City planners said the framework will cut red tape for developers and increase housing density, hopefully allowing more residents to move into the transit-rich corridor.
News and Media
The order, unanimously approved by the Illinois Commerce Commission, directs the utility to retire the remaining 1,000 miles of aging leak-prone cast iron and ductile pipes running under Chicago by 2035.
News and Media
Heartland Alliance Health will remain open after annoucing plans to close its clinics in Englewood and Uptown and three food pantries earlier this month. A notice on Heartland’s website says: “We have exciting news! We are staying OPEN!!” The website says Heartland is contacting those who already received notice that the provider was closing, and […]
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